Level 1: Monday 2nd September - 7th October 8pm (Irish time)

This audacious 5 week program is a living and embodied education into women’s wellness, physiology, sexuality, psychology and spirituality. 

Explore live calls + weekly self paced learning and practices, combining the ancient wisdom of Tantra with cutting edge research in Menstrual Health, Sexual empowerment, Feminine Leadership and scientifically validated methods for healing and transformation.

This program is your greatest self care guide to not only balance and manage your hormones naturally, your bleed, fertility or natural contraception but also your schedule, your stress levels and your sex life so that you thrive.

What to expect:

  • Understand your hormones and cycles and how to track them. I promise you it’s so much more than noting when you’re bleeding in an app on your phone and so much more fascinating and rewarding. This will allow you to greatly improve you body literacy, be able to truly advocate for yourself and make informed choices about how best to nourish yourself on the daily.

  • Receive a holistic approach to Sexual Education that will not just blow your mind but hopefully your whole body, over and over again.

  • Discover how to live in partnership with your body and take away natural ways to balance your hormones, harness your cycles, embrace your sexuality and join the growing movement of sustainable empowerment from an all female perspective.

  • Each week you will be supported with exclusive practices and educational material to explore. We will also gather via zoom for sharing, live music and other specialised offerings.

This course contains in-depth, practical information on:

  • Cycle tracking template and how to

  • Hormones - what they are, what they do, what disrupts them, what supports them and ways to naturally rebalance

  • Reproductive and pleasure anatomy

  • Yoni mapping techniques, Sex Magic and self pleasure practice (don’t worry this won’t be live on zoom ;)

  • The four phases of the menstrual cycle

  • Connected breathwork

  • Somatic movement for the pelvis, womb and hormone balancing Yoga practices

  • Guided womb journeys for each phase of your cycle

menstrual cycle awareness

Your menstrual cycle is more than just your period. It’s a daily evolving process of hormonal changes that affects your energy levels, mood, mental clarity and your sex drive. You can harness it to thrive.



The course includes 5 unique modules:

  1. Know yo’self: Female Anatomy & Menstrual Cycle Tracking

  2. Cycle Super Powers & Pitfalls

  3. Harnessing your Hormones: Hormone disruptors & natural ways to find balance

  4. Holistic Sex Ed: It’s your Pleasure

  5. Embody the Goddess: Integration & a lifetimes reclamation

    5 x live zoom calls as well as weekly self paced learning, practices, meditations, rituals and structured journalling.
    This program is suitable for all women and menstruators of all ages and stages of life and my intention is always to be as inclusive as possible.

    New Level 1 dates:  5 x Monday’s in September - October

    Time: 8pm (all calls are recorded and will be sent out within 48hours)

 You will learn to: 

  • Greatly improve you body literacy

  • Be able to truly advocate for yourself and make informed choices about how best to nourish yourself throughout your whole cycle

  • Understand the hormones of your cycle, symptoms of hormonal imbalance, common hormone disruptors and ways to naturally recalibrate (reducing symptoms of hormonal imbalance including pain, cramping, bloating, PMS, PMDD etc)

  • How to track your whole menstrual cycle effectively as a vital sign of health and natural fertility/contraception

  • How to harness the power of your cycle in all aspects of your life and as a feminine leadership model

  • Cultivate a deeper relationship to your body and be astonished by its natural intelligence 

  • Commune with your inner season and the wider seasons of nature

  • Explore the female archetypes and their connection to your body as it evolves through each month and stage of the life cycle

  • Understand and work with your inner polarities, masculine and feminine energy, light and dark etc to cultivate balance and flow

  • Understand your energy and develop healthy boundaries

  • Gather in circle with women from around the world and be part of a ongoing network of support from like minded women

  • Cultivate a loving connection and inner dialogue with your womb space

  • Understand female reproductive and sexual anatomy 

  • Embrace the power of your sexuality and experience more pleasure

  • Trust yourself and deepen your Intuition

You are not broken

About your guide

Hi, I’m Emma and I’m so glad you’re curious enough to be here. It is said your power is where you’ve been told not to look and when it comes to our bodies, blood and sexuality that couldn’t be more true. 

As a Menstrual Health and Sexuality Educator and Certified Fertility Coach - education is at the forefront of what I offer, giving you the information, tools and practices so you can reclaim your body and your power for yourself. 

I have journeyed from a place of deep disconnect from my body, shame and sexual trauma, where I accepted debilitating periods and sexual numbness as my norm. If this is you, know that I see you and I offer you a beacon of hope. Through this education and these practices I now feel alive and aligned in my body and purpose. 

I have trained around the world to train with leading experts in Menstrual Cycle Awareness, Anatomy, Sexuality, Feminine Embodiment, Feminine Wellbeing, Womb Health, Shamanism and Tantra and this course is the culmination of years of research, practice and expertise.” — Emma

Emma Lowe is an international Wellness Leader, Senior Tantra teacher and Teacher Trainer who has supported thousands of people, facilitating programs and retreats all around the world.

“Emma is infectiously enthusiastic, terribly funny and incredibly refreshing with a world of knowledge, that she makes so very accessible. This program will change your life”.

Your menstrual cycle is not just the time that you are on your period: There is a whole cycle of physical and hormonal changes bleed to bleed. These changes affect you on a day to day basis in terms of your energy levels, your mood, your mental clarity and your sex drive.  

On average menstruators, bleed every 21-40+ days with the textbook being every 28 - 29days. Similar to the lunation cycle. There are roughly 4 distinct phases to this cycle that hold very particular qualities that when understood can act as an internal compass for you to live in your fullest, most fabulous and in flow power. 

Your Period, bleeding or not, ovulating or not, plays a vital role in determining your satisfaction in all areas of your life. It’s time to reclaim this incredible internal process as one that can empower and fuel your life, rather than deplete you.

For those who experience pain and cramping, irregular periods, PMS, PMDD, PCOS, Endometriosis, fertility issues, low libido and other uterus related health issues - you are not broken, these are symptoms of hormonal imbalance. This is an area that grossly under funded in our healthcare systems and in the education we receive about our bodies. It is possible to bring your endocrine (hormonal) system back into balance.

Traditional sex education fails us. It doesn’t teach us how to have sex for the sake of pleasure or non-reproductive purposes, it doesn’t even really teach us how to get pregnant or what to do if there are fertility issues and it doesn't embrace the wide and glorious spectrums of sexualities, bodies, and genders that exist. 

Societal, religious and patriarchal conditioning and lack of education means that almost everybody has internalised shame around body and sexuality. To add to an already crappy foundation 1 in 4 Women have experienced sexual trauma with little effective support. This can create chronic tension inside of us which we often don’t even know it’s there because it’s become so normal to feel numb, disconnected or to experience pain. Over time this short circuits our capacity to feel pleasure and connect to our sexual energy. 

It's time to reclaim your body, your wild and your power.